Temples of Murshidabad


Murshidabad district has an area of 2063 sq. miles. The area lies between latiude 23°45' to 24°24' and longitude 87°45' to 88°45'. The principal river is Bhagirathi which branches of at FARAKKA, flows southward and in later stage is known as river Hooghly. Other rivers, mostly tributaries of Mayurakshi flows from west to east and merge in Bhagirathi. The district is fertile and thickly populated.

Mosques at KHERUR (Map Ref. 12) and ATAI (Map Ref. 1) seen to be constructed in 15th century and constructions and decorations bear similarity with Mosques at MANGALKOT (Burdwan district) and SAPTAGRAM (Hooghly district). NRISINGHA Temple at GOKARNA (Map Ref.8) was repaired in 1584. 'CHAR CHALA' type temples are found in plenty in this district. 'INVERTED LOTUS DOMED' type temples seem to have developed in this district and SIVA temple at BAHARAMPUR (BAYASPUR Map Ref.2) is good example. 'EK BANGLA' type temples are very uncommon at BARANAGAR (Map Ref. 3) there are five of them and are richly decorated terracotta decorations of very good standard. 'JOR BANGLA' temple of BARANAGAR also provide very rich terracotta decorations. RATNESWAR temple of BHATTAMATI (Map Ref. 5) is 'PANCHA RATNA' type with stunted pyramid type spires. It is richly decorated on four sides. Some of the terracotta sculptures are 6' high.

BARANAGAR figurative sculptures are vigourous in posture and deeply moded with precise, decoration and ornamental unusually rich and exuberent.

93 brick monuments have been documented in 16 locations, photographically with 1356 exposures.